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Reflections On The Water

Musings on a wave of thought


"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did.  So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the tradewinds in your sails.

Explore.  Dream.  Discover."...................Mark Twain


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“The Sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever”.............Jacques Cousteau


"For whatever we lose (like a you or a me)

It’s always our self we find in the sea" cummings



“People say that what we're all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think this is what we’re really seeking. I think what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.”

...........Joseph Campbell, "The Power of Myth" 



The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea........Isak Dinesen


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“Wish for the road to be long....

Many the summer mornings to be when

with what pleasure, what joy

you will enter ports seen for the first time.”..........Constantine Cavafy, “Ithaca” 



“Half my soul is made of sea-scent”..............Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen,  “Atlantic”



"Be not the slave of your own past - plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep, and swim far, so you shall come back with self-respect, with new power, with an advanced experience, that shall explain and overlook the old." 

........................Ralph Waldo Emerson



And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair........... Kahlil Gibran


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“To be truly challenging, a voyage, like a life, must rest on a firm foundation of financial unrest. Otherwise, you are doomed to a routine traverse, the kind known to yachtsmen who play with their boats at sea... "cruising" it is called. Voyaging belongs to seamen, and to the wanderers of the world who cannot, or will not, fit in. If you are contemplating a voyage and you have the means, abandon the venture until your fortunes change. Only then will you know what the sea is all about.
"I've always wanted to sail to the south seas, but I can't afford it." What these men can't afford is not to go. They are enmeshed in the cancerous discipline of "security." And in the worship of security we fling our lives beneath the wheels of routine - and before we know it our lives are gone.
What does a man need - really need? A few pounds of food each day, heat and shelter, six feet to lie down in - and some form of working activity that will yield a sense of accomplishment. That's all - in the material sense, and we know it. But we are brainwashed by our economic system until we end up in a tomb beneath a pyramid of time payments, mortgages, preposterous gadgetry, playthings that divert our attention for the sheer idiocy of the charade.
The years thunder by, the dreams of youth grow dim where they lie caked in dust on the shelves of patience. Before we know it, the tomb is sealed.
Where, then, lies the answer? In choice. Which shall it be: bankruptcy of purse or bankruptcy of life? ”

......................................Sterling Hayden, "Wanderer"



"You have to be respectful to the place you live in. You are just passing by, these places are here to stay. And the sea has its own soul and you have to ask for permission to get a piece of it".

.......................................Chiara Vigo,  Sea Silk spinner in Sardinia, Italy



"I am a citizen of the most beautiful nation on earth. A nation whose laws are harsh yet simple, a nation that never cheats, which is immense and without borders, where life is lived in the present. In this limitless nation, this nation of wind, light, and peace, there is no other ruler beside the sea." ........................Bernard Moitessier 


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