Jacaranda Journey

(Map: scorpiosail.com)

The capital of the Galapagos

Popular beach fronting the anchorage, especially for swimming with the sea lions and watching the sunset

Jacaranda (at left) as seen from Playa Mann

An afternoon of heavy rain turned the steps into a waterfall

Always interesting to see religious icons (here the 3 wise men) in a localized context

As seen from the white sand Brujo Beach

So plentiful we saw them on almost every snorkel all over the Galapagos

The only ocean going reptile and endemic to the Gapapagos

Eating cactus pollen

Actually, Darwin learned more from studying this bird than he did the finches

The differences in beak shape was a key clue for Darwin in his "Origin of Species" theory

It's all about the beak said Charlie Darwin!

From San Cristobal - it has a domed shell. Each island has its own subspecies which look a little bit different.

We visited Rancho Primicias in the highlands of Santa Cruz to see these beasts in their natural habitat as well as in the various Breeding Centers

This guy is from Cerro Azul, Isla Isabela. It has a flat shell.

It was mating season. The males are about 3x larger than the females and their loud copulating grunts can be heard for quite a distance away.

This hatchling is one month old and the segments of the underside of the shell have not coalesced into one yet.

William was just a boy when he discovered this immense natural lava tunnel on his parent's farm in the highlands

I love this name given to them by seafarers of old! They are dramatic splashes against the black lava tongues that reach into the sea

The male is on the left.

A male (l) romancing a female

Young volcanic moonscapes

Endemic species

Waiting for a handout at the Fish Market

Brujo fish for sale at the Fish Market. They are caught at great depths and make good ceviche.

This sea lion has selected his meal at the Fish Market

Immature female hovered above us as we hiked up to the summit. They are very curious.

Immature female

Almost hunted to extinction for their beautiful fur pelts

Dramatic geology

Visitors can only go to National Park sites with a certified guide