Jacaranda Journey

Nuku Hiva dancers at Taaoa, an ancient sacred site outside Atuona (Photo: Brigitte, svSaba)

Bird dancer featured in the Haka Manu

Our friend Cyril is a chief from Tahuata Island

Photo: svYlang Ylang

Mom and daughters from Fatu Hiva Island

Rapa Nui

Haka Manu (Bird Dance) photo credit: Marion Dealessandri

Leslie (svKandu) and I making traditional plates from woven palm fronds

Umu, traditional oven Photo: svKilian

Photo: svYlang Ylang

Photo: svSaba

Food at the umu

Dishing it out on a plate of bamboo at the umu

Nuku Hiva learning the songs and dances

Accommodations for visiting delegations

Bird dance

A cheeky Rapa Nui dancer prances in the faces of Marquesan men from Hiva Oa to their great delight

Our friend Cecile from Nuku Hiva

Melanie was our guide in Ua Huka

Dancers at Taaoa, an ancient sacred site outside Atuona (Photo: Brigitte, svSaba)

Hiva Oa practicing in the pouring rain

Dancers at Taaoa, an ancient sacred site outside Atuona (Photo: svChrispater)